Look Decades Younger with Mesotherapy 

Rejuvenate and tighten skin with mesotherapy in San Diego. The Ranch Rejuvenation Center offers this cutting-edge technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to revitalize skin and make it tauter.

Mesotherapy is used for

  • fat lipolysis
  • anti-cellulite treatment
  • Anti-wrinkle treatment,
  • anti Acne/scar and depigmentation



Get Rid of Your Double Chin for Good

Say goodbye to saggy skin under the chin with Kybella®.

A popular double chin treatment,  KYBELLA® is a brand-name deoxycholic acid that melts fat by injecting it directly into the fat.

It’s the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your profile and make you look years younger.

With KYBELLA®  there’s no surgery or downtime - just great results!